Sunday's evaluation

     So 2 things I take away from this morning.  The "Lord Jesus Christ" and toothpaste.  The name in the center "Jesus" is who I am going to make a statement about.  The word at the end "Christ" describes who He is, the Messiah, the fulfillment of the all, the Savior of the world.  The word at the start "Lord" describes who He is to me.  When I can put all three together I am saying that the Jesus who is the answer is my answer.  He is my Lord, my Jesus, and my Christ.  It was also powerful for me to hear the congregation say those names and titles together.

     So toothpaste and mustard and ketchup.  You squeeze the tube, you apply pressure and out comes the toothpaste, at least that is what you want to happen.  So when I am squeezed and pressured by the trials of life, what comes out of me?  Is it Christ-like?  It most likely will not if I don't look at the trial as an opportunity to be Christ-like or to see God work through it in my life.

     What are my trials?  Many of them will be common to many others.  Marital, financial, relationships, parenting, physical, mechanical, etc.  How quick I can blow it.  How quick I can go to how to get out of it or what would be most comfortable or what would make me feel the best rather than God's way or even finding out what God's way is.

     Blessed is the one who goes through the trial God's way that builds steadfastness that will spill over into other areas of life.  James is going to be a good book.



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