Sunday's evaluation, Monday morning...

     So devices are needed to keep our tongue in control.  Devices that help us with our conversations but it really is a heart matter.  It is so important to go to the heart of the matter and to ask the Lord to transform where those words and thoughts are coming from.  Sunday ended for me with a Bible Study that I really thought was going to flop.  Galatians 3 is a hard passage to discuss and understand in a group situation and I think we would have had a time with it a year ago but last night the group dug in to get it.  God is good.

     So yesterday also was a day to expose myself to the congregation.  I have done this before and it was needed.  I will go in for a test at the hospital this week to find out what is going on with my digestive system.  I keep going back to James 1 and the admonishment to "count it all joy."  I am thankful for those who took time to hold me up in prayer yesterday and will this week.  I do have a lot to be joyful about in my life.

     So unto James 4 and Galatians 4 this week.  Opening lines - James 4:1 - "What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?..."  Galatians 4:1 - "I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything." I will have to adjust my schedule to do what I need to do what a look at the calendar brings joy that this is the week of the month for this to happen.  Thank you God.



  1. I'll be praying for you tomorrow Adam. Keep me posted.

  2. Thanks Jay...I have been flooded with support from the congregation.


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