Sunday evaluation and the love of the body...

     Another great morning with God's family, with our visitors this morning we had over 150.  I think James 4 was the most challenging so far in this series.  I am going to start reading a book called "War of Words" by Paul David Tripp.  He starts off with Proverbs 18:21:
"Words kill,
words give life;
they're either poison or fruit--
you choose."

Another version puts it this way:
"Death and life
are in the power of the tongue,
and those who love it
will eat its fruits."

     I want to honor the Lord with my words and I know that is only possible if I continue to keep my heart on the love of the Lord.  I think it was also challenging to look at the difference of speaking evil of someone and when God uses us to bring the Word of God to a brother or sister, speaking the truth in love.  Side by side there is no comparison but in reality it is so easy to go from good intentions that should be acted on to loose words to yourself and others that do damage to all parties involved.  The body should always be focused on resolution and redemption and leave the results to God as we follow His lead.

     We end out James this week so I am praying about the next book to cover for Sunday mornings.  I really want the leading of the Lord on this because I do believe that I was given James for just this time that I am going through.

     I can't close this out without saying thanks again for all who are not only reading this but also praying for us.  I thought I would live you with a picture of my at home office with the addition of a quilt that was given to me this morning.



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