So I rearranged the office today!!

     Usually this is a over Thanksgiving break thing for me but I don't know what made me wait so long into the new year.  Every time I do this it makes me more productive and look at the ministry that goes on in this room differently.  I am so thankful that I have seen God work in the midst of conversations with friends around the office table.  Sometimes they are crisis situations and sometimes just looking for an ear to listen and maybe some biblical advice.

     A clean desk does something to you.  I'm a piler and it is hard for me to throw stuff away.  And when I do, I usually throw too much away.  Anyone out there like me, say "Amen."  This year makes 25 years in the ministry and 15 years in Gaylord.  I don't look back at the early years as the glory days.  Every year has been special and I look to the ones to come to be no different with God at the helm doing His thing.  That makes each year exciting.

     So I should head home and get some reading done before I call it a day.  So if this was any inspiration to clean up your own personal space, I hope you have a great time doing it.  



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