The reputation of a alphabet letter...

     "It could be c..."  and you know exactly what they are talking about.  So I have a trial to go through that I wasn't expecting.  It was a long day yesterday but I am thankful for today.  I have walked with so many through this that I probably didn't react much to the possible news.  I am sure the doctor gave us the worse case scenario so that when more results came back it would seem better.  So today is a day to get up and keep going.  I'm going to keep praying and probably do some research along with way but God has given us a people to shepherd and messages to preach and teach so my focus is on my God.

     Some sermon prep on James 4 brings up a closer look at the progression of words.  James starts out with words like fights and quarrels among the brethren and ends up with words like murder and adultery.  What is James telling us here about the unresolved disagreements we get in?

     So many times we try to pigeon hole the church into the business world and model but the church needs to follow the Bible model.  James says that this is how the whole solves these problems but he says the church's way is to "humble ourselves before the Lord."  I heard a quote this week that grabbed my attention, "Birds of a feather, flock together, but we are sheep."  Lord, keep me in sheep mode under your our great Shepherd.



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