So back to James...

     Chapter 1 ends with talking about "real" religion.  James gives us at least 3 here.  "Real" religion involves people who can control their tongue.  "Real" religion has people who have compassion for others in need.  "Real" religion has people who live holy lifestyles.

     Chapter 2 starts with another aspect of "real" religion.  We are not to show partiality.  James tells us that when we assemble don't do this.  When we get together as a church, this kind of activity can not happen.  James also hits us between the eyes because his example that he would have picked because it related to his time, relates to our time, that we would be partial to those who have wealth.  We have equated wealth with God's blessing.  James sets us straight on this matter.  In our assembly, the pocketbook or lack of one should not dictate how we treat one another in the name of the Lord.

     Another aspect of "real" religion is that it is not phony.  It is phony if it is just mere words.  It is phony if it is just a mere mind exercise.  It is phony if it is just mere works.  Is James telling us that we need to put these together?  To make sure that I do give God my words of allegiance, to make sure that I do engage my mind in growth of love for Him and others, and to make sure that fruit or works come as an expression of my words and mind.  

     Mere words - if I just say the prayer.  Mere mind - yeah I believe in God, so do the demons and many times more than those who say this.  Mere works - if I can just do enough and my good outweigh my bad, I will be okay.  Individually, the falsehoods show their ugly heads.  Well, I think this sermon is starting to come together.



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