A 0 degrees morning...

     So what has Adam been reading lately?  Well, let me tell you.  There is a book called "The Unity Factor" by Larry W. Osborne that I am reading again for the 3rd or 4th time.  It is about developing a healthy church leadership team.  The first chapter deals with making unity a priority.  The point that really struck me this time was this, "The third reason developing board unity remains at the top of my list is that it's fragile."  Larry goes on to say, "I don't think it's an accident that Jesus predicted church growth but prayed for unity."  A wrong word, a wrong tone, a discussion that leads away from Christ, a wrong motivation, even a wrong person on the leadership team can change the unity factor quickly.  Ephesians 4:3 says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."  

     So what websites are Adam's favorites?  Well, let me tell you. The ones that I go to the most are www.blueletterbible.org for looking at the scripture.  This site gives me a seminar of learning at my fingertips.  The next site is www.gospelcoalition.org.  This is a group of churches that have come together to hold high the Word of God.  I refer to this site so much I am thinking that maybe our church should be a member of this coalition.  It has great resources and also some blogs that I follow on a daily basis.  I am also an email junkie and I keep track of people on the social networks.

     So what is about most excited about?  Well, let me tell you.  It is a series on parenting called "Getting To The Heart Of Parenting" by Paul David Tripp.  This is one that we will be doing in our church in the near future.  It is so Biblically based and takes us to the heart of the issue rather than just the surface stuff.  It is like the promo to a marriage conference that I saw lately that had a counseling scene with a husband and wife (one I have been in many times), the counselor says, "You don't have issues, you are the issue."  I need to remember that line.  

     So off to study on this 0 degree morning.



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