A 20 year habit and a video...

     I know that this is an avenue to get out about my cancer but I don't want to stop the process of collecting my thoughts.  So here goes.  About 20 years ago I took a group of men from the church down to some Promise Keeper events at the Pontiac Silverdome.  That started the need to gather the men of the churches I have been involved in on a regular basis.  It started in the conference room on the upper level in the back of the Glen's store in Alpena.  For 20 years I have gotten up early to grow in the Lord together with others.  I have seen a lot of guys come and go over that time.  Sometimes it was an all out organized Bible study; sometimes just a time of prayer over one of the guys going through a trial of life; sometimes just a time to shoot the breeze; but lately it has been a time to bounce off my sermon ideas.  Even though this is a great medium, the personal touch and interaction still trumps it.

     Some last thoughts on the sermon for Sunday.  Is it an coincidence that I am studying James 4 this week of my life?  I don't think so.  The chapter ends with those words, "...you do not know what tomorrow will bring...you are a mist that appears for a little while..."  Verses 13 & 14 are void of God in the works of your life.  Verse 15 says to make sure He is there, not just in word but also in attitude and action.  This sermon is working up to be the most challenging yet in this series.

     So onto the video.  We went to see the oncologist today.  Our next step is a PET scan in Petoskey or Traverse City early next week.  They are still looking to see if the cancer has gone any farther.  They have labeled it adenocarcinoma, which is a colon cancer but it is more in my anus than my rectum.  That is the problem.  A team of doctors will look at my case Wednesday and give more direction to surgery first and then treatment or treatment and then surgery.  A trip to Grand Rapids might be needed for another test and probably any surgery will be with a specialist who only deals with surgery in that area.  The tumor is in a bad spot but God can get anywhere.  Thanks again for your prayers and your love.



  1. We love you guys and are praying for you. Our hearts cry is that you would be healed, Adam. Whatever path God has you on, we know he is in control. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches over you.

  2. I have spent the last few days reading all of your blogs. I can't help but to stop and think about where do the writing skills come from? From our mother and father. It always comforts me to know that our mother is somewhere looking out and continually praying for us.

  3. Thanks Deb and Tom...Mom was a good teacher and I think it just took a while for me to check up to others. Thanks Deb to for the song.

  4. Dear Pastor Adam,

    I wanted you to know that the congregation of Mount Hope Church is praying fervently for your healing and recovery. We are just concluding a week of prayer and fasting and we have witnessed God moving in the miraculous. We will continue to pray for you until you get the breakthrough you need.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Norm Oberlin & the People of Mount Hope Church

  5. Thanks Norm...and all the gang at Mount Hope. I am truly humbled by the body of Christ calling on the Lord for me. I will keep you updated and hope to be at prayer time on Thursday.


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