my other job...

     I have lived in a homeowners' association for the past 10 years and each year at the annual meeting they are looking for board members.  I felt like I should contribute since I am a full-timer out here so I became the secretary of the group.  So I put all the computer skills and internet knowledge together to built a database of the emails of those in the association.  I didn't realize I would now have a 3rd family to communicate with, my family, the church family, and now the homeowners' association family.  I guess it is a good way to know your neighbors and I probably would not have communicated with them except through this mode.

     Sometimes we just want to run and hide.  I feel this way too.  It usually means that a vacation should be coming up soon.  A down time when I don't have to think about the next sermon or the next meeting or the next anything for a little while.  I haven't taken a vacation in a long time, the kind of vacation that is just to relax.  Time off has been filled with taking kids to school or bringing them back.  I don't regret those times but they will come to an end soon and I just wonder if I still know how to take a vacation.

     Enough about me, back to James, later called "James the Just" and his challenge to us to live lives that are not phony but genuine in faith.  Faith that is based on the facts or foundation of Christ that produce fruit that glorifies God.  



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