Video showed on Sunday morning...

     Sunday went off well but I was very tired when I got done and probably slept more that afternoon than ever.  This video was a great way to talk about false teaching that we have touched on in 1 & 2 Peter and 1 John that has crept into our world and also into the church.  

     I am now unto 1 John 2:1-14.  Test #1 for a real Christian is what is your view and reality and hold on the incarnation of Jesus Christ.  If you hold to anything less than He is the Son of God who was with God in the beginning and was made manifest in the flesh to die for our sins and our only Savior who rose on the third day and is coming back again, then you are not a real Christian.

Test #2 for a real Christian is what is your view and reality and action to sin.  If you hold to anything less that it needs to be confessed and there needs to be a continual walk in the light, then you are not a real Christian.  You can not run on the attitude that I can just ask for forgiveness later, or be so prideful that you are above sin, or go with culture and try to redefine sin.  To confess is to agree with what God says about it.

Test #3 for a real Christian is what is your view and reality and action to obedience to the Scripture.  If you hold to anything less that Scripture needs to be obeyed and your actions or walk should be in the same way as He (Jesus) walked, then you are not a real Christian.  John brings up the greatest commandments to follow, love God and love others.  

John is not looking for a lip-service here from the Christians in Asia Minor.  Either you are or you are not, or as John puts it so many times, "You're a liar."  Just a first run through today but thankful for the simple messages that are so powerful.



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