Good news from the doc...

     Another trip to Grand Rapids to see the surgeon and we came out with good news.  The infection is at bay and going away.  They removed what was left of the packing and showed Stephanie what to do each day with re-packing the opening.  He also gave the okay for me to start chemo in 2 weeks which will allow me to get done by the end of the year if my body can take it.  I am sleeping more at night and even though I am still moving pretty slow I do feel physically better.  The care of the stoma has been a challenge but I think we are getting the hang of it.  Praise the Lord for a good report and a good day.  I go back to Grand Rapids in 3 weeks for another check up.

     After the trip to Grand Rapids we headed over to Spring Arbor to see Jason.  I think this was as good for us and it was for him.  It was great to have dinner with him and get him some weekend food at the local grocery store.  Students are starting to arrive on campus and you could see the "old" Jason starting to light up with more options of people to meet.  The counselor on his wing is named "Adam" so I guess the reminder of dad will not be to far away.  It made for a very long day and a late night getting in but it was really worth it.

     Today I will finish the bulletin and sermon outline for the sermon tomorrow.  I am looking forward to preaching this message.  The 4th test of a "real" Christian is if you have received the anointing from Jesus.  Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit and that we are to "wait" for Him.  I think there is no coincidence that John has these tests in this order.  I first need to believe in who Jesus is.  Next I need to make it a practice to admit and confess sin rather than cover it up.  Then I need to be in the practice of obeying the commands of Jesus.  Now John introduces this anointing that would really mean nothing if I wasn't committed to the first three.  The anointing is directly related to abiding in the Word and gives us the knowledge that we need to know truth from non-truth.  It is so sufficient and extensive.  I want to challenge the congregation to wait on the Lord for the anointing of the Holy Spirit if they have not done so.  I also want to challenge the congregation to first look at the first three tests before doing this.  It could be a banner day at GFF!!



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