I am thankful for our home nurse...

     Her name is Toni and Stephanie and I are so thankful for some more eyes watching what is going on with my wound.  I have learned to take a couple pain medications before she comes.  Her assessment is that things are healing but for me to be patient in my progress.  She happens to be the same nurse that came to the house back in 2006 when the boys came home from the hospital from the car accident.  

     I continue to work on my sermon for Sunday on 1 John 1:5-10.  The first test to see if you are a "real" Christian is found in verses 1-4.  Do I recognize the reality of the incarnation of Jesus?  Do I accept that He was from the beginning, that He was made manifest to us in human form for people like John who heard and saw and looked upon and touched?  Do I acknowledge that the reason for His coming was for the forgiveness of sins and also the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Him?  What is my hold or take on Jesus is the first test if I am a "real" Christian.  I can not be a "real" Christian if I hold a lower view than this.

     The second test to see if I am a "real" Christian is do I recognize the reality of sin?  What do I do when I sin?  John gives 3 examples.  If I treat sin like it will not affect my relationship with Jesus, then I am wrong.  If I treat sin in a way to rationalize it or excuse it or change it from what God says then I am wrong.  If I try to conceal sin to the point of denial, then not only am I wrong but I am telling God that He is wrong on this one.  What do I do?  I walk with God, in the light and I also confess my sin.  Am I dealing with sin in my life that leads to a closer walk with God and confession as needed, is the second test if I am a "real" Christian.  I can not be a "real" Christian if I downplay sin and its affect on my life.

     I saw this happen last Sunday.  Someone had written me a note in the week that was of instruction.  I could see how someone might take it wrong but I did not.  I know this person's heart and that they were thinking the very best for me.  It must have weighed on their heart what they had written and Sunday morning a bee-line was made for me to ask if they had offended me or hurt me in any way with the note.  I let them know that it did not and totally understood.  It could have been sin to this person, and what did the person do?  They made sure to deal with it rather than excuse it or rationalize it.  They did what a "real" Christian would do even in the face of it being a "could be" sin.  

     I am sure that Stephanie and I will put up a video blog after we meet with the surgery on Friday to let you know of my progress.  Thanks again for all the prayers.



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