Putting more of the sermon together...

     The key verse in this passage is verse 9.  Let me type it here with stops along the way.

If we confess our sins, (that is that you agree with God about what He says about anything, here talking about sin) He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (our confession is not what forgives us, it is Jesus who is faithful that does it) and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (the word of cleanse in the Greek is where we get the word to catheterize, having had this done very recently let me expound - to be catheterize is to have someone outside of yourself, help you drain of a possible poison within you - Jesus is the one outside of us who helps drain us of sin)

All of our excuses in v. 6, 8,  and 10 are just that.  Ecc. 7:20 says, "Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins."  We can think that we can get around sin by committing it with the fall back that I can just clean it up later.  We can think that we are to a stage that we are beyond sin or a particular one because of who we are.  We can think that we can redefine sin as not sin anymore.  But the passage says that "real" Christians walk in the light and confess sin.  Both are daily and routine actions.  "Real" Christian recognize Christ and recognize sin.

Physically, I am still battling with this infection on the incision on my bottom.  Tomorrow is a trip to Grand Rapids to see the surgeon and a re-evaluation of where I am at.  Our home health care nurse sure has been a blessing to us these days.  More tomorrow.



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