No chemo until August 29th...

     A visit to the oncologist this morning yielded a lot of answers.  If a certain lymph node that was enlarged when I was first diagnosed would not have been there, I would be done with everything right now.  But...because it was, I will need to continue with as much of the 4 months of chemo that my body can take.  This will start on August 29th if my body is ready and the infection is gone and I am healing up properly.  He was very optimistic from the reports that my chances of reoccurrence are low and my success rate is very high.  Thank you God for hearing all those prayers.  

     Nights are the longest for me.  I have yet to have a full night's sleep.  One of the antibiotics is really messing with my digestive tract so we are trying to counteract that.  I have lost any weight gained when I was off the chemo but that is okay.  My appetite is small but I do have one.  The pain is pretty localized to the incision on my bottom and especially when some drainage needs to happen.  We are doing 3 sit baths a day and keeping a close eye on that wound.  The swelling of my stomach area seems to be coming down some each day.  I don't look 4 months pregnant anymore.  I am so thankful for sleep but also so thankful for the times when my mind is clear and the urge to walk and accomplish a couple non-lifting tasks are done.

     I have been pushed into a new season in my life.  I am determined to take advantage of what God has given me.  I long for each day and what will come of it.  "God use me" is my prayer.



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