Finishing my birthday present book...

     I finished by birthday present book "Erasing Hell", subtitled - what God said about eternity, and the things we've made up - by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle.  This is an excellent book in response to Rob Bell's book "Love Wins" that came out earlier this year.  There was no question in my mind about this issue but Francis and Preston go through step by step, scripture by scripture that evidence of hell but do not lose the compassion that you need when you study and talk about this subject.  Chapter 7 was the most powerful for me.  After looking at hell through more academic eyes they go into a chapter titled, "What does this have to do with me?"  They cover the passages in Scripture that deal with racism, greed, misplaced assurance, false teaching, misuse of wealth and degrading words to a fellow human being as the things that the scripture says is worthy of hell.  These are things that easily happen within the walls of the church.  I will be re-reading this book in the near future.

     I had a good cry today.  It just came over me.  Steph told me that I need to mourn that I won't be as I was.  I have had some major changes that need to heal that will make me different and it is okay to mourn what once was for a little while.  My body is trying to get used to the new situation and so is my mind.  For someone who can roll with the punches and adapt on the fly, this truly is a test of it.  I stop to thank God that the cancer by the pathology report is gone.  I stop to thank God that my digestive tract is working now with no blockage.  I stop to thank God that I have received medicine for the infection that I have.  I stop to thank God that I got more sleep last night.  I stop to thank God for my wife and my family and my church family that have me on their minds and hearts over the last year.  I stop and thank God.

     A nice rain today helped the garden and a nice rain today helped me to clear my mind.



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