
Showing posts from February, 2011

Round 2 Chemo, silent video at the infusion center, and a look at the last sermon from James...

     Well, I'm in the infusion center getting round 2 of chemo.  Not so anxious this time because I know the routine.  Maybe I will put up a silent video of me hooked up and of Stephanie.  I come in at 8:15 am and will probably get to leave around 2:30 pm.  It makes for a long day in the chair.  Trying to keep my mind from running forward is the hard part.  We are in a room of mostly elderly people this morning and I know some are on the same treatment that I am on and I wonder how they do it.      James gives me 2 more verses to handle this Sunday.  It is one more thing that he wants us to look at.  This passage I have seen over and over again over the 25 years of ministry.  Here is the passage: "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his ways will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." ...

So thankful for a great weekend but Monday is coming...

     It all started with our thanks again to Skype to bring our family together from Texas and Virginia.  We laughed for 2 hours through the cyberspace video call.  Seeing and hearing our kids is good medicine.        Then Saturday held a parenting seminar that we wished we would have had 20 years ago but thankful to be able to use the principles in other relationships in our lives.  If you get a chance to see it, "Getting To the Heart of Parenting" by Paul Tripp is definitely a keeper.   Some insights from the seminar are:   How do I introduce God to my conversations with my kids?   The fruit represents the behavior of my kids and the roots represents the heart and the quality of the fruit is directly related to the condition of the roots so work on the roots (heart).   Only discipline when there is a direct clear rebellion to authority.   We all want self-parenting children (not reality).   Creat...

Sermon, all but ready to go...

     Why did God slow me down in James and especially chapter 5?  I think I know now.  I would have just plowed through this with the idea of physical healing and this is what you do.  It would have been right in line with what I was going through.  But God slowed me down to make 4 sermons out of 1 and then to have the extra time to look at the words and the context of this text to come to a very important point.  Even though it is a blessing and praiseworthy of God to be relieved of a physical ailment, it is even more important and a blessing and praiseworthy of God to be relieved of a weary soul.      I wanted the Bible to say one thing but it really is talking about something else that is more important than what I wanted it to say.  In verse 13 James uses the contrast of two terms, suffering - weary or suffering of the soul, with cheerful - well being of the soul to set the stage for the passage.  In verses 14 and 1...

Some praise and a video...

     Here is a video update of our oncologist visit.  For those reading, it went well with my blood numbers climbing as they should.  We were able to discuss some of the side effects and be better prepared for the upcoming chemo 2 on Monday morning.        Back to James 5.  I think this will be a case of what I wished the Bible said but I need to look at what it really says.  I think most of my time will be talking about the two ways one word has been translated in two different parts of the Bible.  I am so thankful for the tools we have now at our fingertips to look deeper at the words and get a clearer picture of the teaching.  I am walking away from this passage looking at how important it is for us to hold each other up in the faith.  I have said this before but now it is more real, "I am so thankful that God has healed me of my sin.  Sin is a much bigger deal than cancer."      I also ...

Monday, a new day and a new week...

     Health-wise, I am finding a new normal with my digestive tract and thankful for some success in dealing with this.  God gives me the strength to accomplish what needs to be done and I am so thankful for the great day yesterday in church and Bible study.  I am concentrating on building myself up physically and mentally and spiritually for next Monday's round of chemo.      God has slowed me down through the book of James.  This Sunday will be James 5:13-18.  I think this might be because I needed a clearer head to handle this passage.  It has been interpreted in so many ways.  I plan to go back to the original language to get a handle on what is being said and not go beyond it.  Initially, I think much of the mishandling of these verses is the affect of having a word that can be used in 2 different contexts and both being right.  We just need to figure out the right context for these verses and I think James' i...

Back home again...

     What a night.  I ended up in ER because of bowel blockage.  I was following the regiment for movement but it wasn't enough.  So after being cleaned out again I am back to my regiment with a couple more additions.  They feel the anti-nausea medicine I received during chemo may have been the culprit.  I didn't get sick so I guess it worked but the side-effects was the most pain I have ever been through.  I am so thankful to be home and having the fires going and watching the snow lightly fall outside.      I thought I would post an email I got from the person who made it possible for Stephanie and I to get our first church.  I have received so many of these that mean so much to me.         Dear Adam, We just recently learned of your serious illness.  You and Stephanie are very special to us.  We wanted you to know that you are mentioned in our family prayer time each morning....

Random thoughts regarding chemo treatment 1...

     Well, 1 down and 11 more to go of this type of chemo treatment over the life of my 8 month procedure.  Needless to say, it was more than what I expected.  I have experienced the cold sensitivity, especially in my fingers.  I feel as if I feel every joint in my body, especially in the back of my neck.  My port is still sore so I have to watch how I sleep at night.  I am tired but I think I am more mentality tired. The worse part for me is position of the tumor and how that restricts me from having a normal bowel movement.  I have not had solid food for a month and thought I had a regimen down that was working before the chemo but now I feel like I am back at square one.  These are the realities of my physical life right now.        The Lord gave me a similar situation this week that I needed.  Back in the summer of 2000 our family went on an "out west" trip for over 3 weeks.  We packed up the van with 4...

Some Wednesdays will be my freedom day...

     And today will be one of those days.  After wearing the fanny pack of chemo for 46 hours I get to be free of it until Monday the 28th.  I have been told that these days will seem like they fly by.  Hard words to hear but I have gotten a lot of good information from those who have gone before me.  The only side effect I have had so far is that I am really sore in my joints, especially my elbows and in the neck area.  We had our monthly elder/deacon meeting at the church and I could not be more thankful for each person around the table.   I follow different pastor's blogs on a regular basis and so when I went through my list last night I came upon a couple videos that were hard to watch but I did.  Here are the links. You might have to type them into a new window.  I warn you ahead of time to get the tissues.  - zach's story  - his wife a year later   ...

Let's think about something else...

     I think this Sunday's sermon will be a one verse sermon with a lot of cross references to fill it out.  James 5:12 says, "But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your yes be yes and your no be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation."  I think this will be an important sermon that will help us again with our words.  Every chapter in James deals with the tongue.  Chapter 1 says "...bridle your tongue...", chapter 2 says " speak...", chapter 3 is a whole chapter on this, chapter 4 says " not speak against one another..." and chapter 5 says, " not swear...".  One of the tests of a living faith is our speech.  That speech is evidence if there is a transformed heart.      One of the new things for me as I read James is looking at all the words he uses that come straight from his half-brother Jesus.  This verse is so much like Matthew 5:3...

Day 1 Chemo video...

     Well today was day 1 but it was also reality day.  I went through the paces of what I will have to do about 12 times over the next 8 months with radiation thrown in and a surgery.  I just needed to stop my mind from running and think about all the things and people I am thankful for.  I have received such great cards and emails that bring tears but they are good ones.      For those with dial up, I go every other Monday for the next two months to an infusion center in Gaylord.  I am hooked up to the chemo and the process takes about 5 hours.  Once done, I then am hooked up to another bag of chemo in a fanny pack with a pump that I carry for the next 46 hours.  On Wednesday, about noon, I get that removed and then I am free until the Monday two weeks from the previous one.  Side effects that are most common are nausea and so I am given medicine to help control this, cold sensitivity so I need to not breathe in cold ...

Wow!!! I think I titled another post with this but I have to again...

     Sometimes that is all I can say after a Sunday morning with our congregation in worship.  The Coming of the Lord was the theme this morning and I am so thankful for those who stood to wake up again with our lives and words to show that we believe He is coming again and for those who stood to be ready for the first time!!!  The sermon shaped up to be 3 temptations to avoid (impatience, faintheartedness, and grumbling), 3 examples to follow (the farmer, the prophets, and Job), and 2 over arching truths about God (He is coming again and He is compassionate and merciful).  I don't have it all figured out before I get up there, a lot of it but not all, so I am amazed when I see something or put something together on the spot and get to share it right at that moment.  This morning it was the examples of going from the nice one of the farmer to the tough one of the prophet to the reward of being blessed in the one of Job.  God is great and good. ...

Full days and thankful thoughts...

     First off, I now am the owner of a medi-port and a little sore in the left shoulder.  I am thankful for care I have received in the medical field.  I have come across some who you could see their heart of compassion and care to those around them.        Second, I am so thankful that Stephanie and I were able to attend the marriage seminar this weekend.  We have been looking forward to having this time to sit together and look at our relationship again.  It blesses my heart that 10 couples from the church are going through this together and the unity is felt in the block.  We are hungry to be what God wants us to be.  I love true life stories that display our need for God that is the answer for the relationship that we have with each other.  Great biblical teaching we heard tonight.      Finally, in the midst of all this week, I am thankful for the time to have with the Lord today to put finishing...

new video blog with Jason...

     Well we have a plan that could change but we will take it one step at a time.  We sure love our kids and thankful that we still have one at home.  We hope the video answers some questions and lets you know that we are looking forward. Adam, Stephanie, & Jason

Just a video update on the PET scan...

So here is the latest.  Our devotional today said, "I guarantee that you will always have problems in this life, but they must not become your focus.  When you feel yourself sinking in the sea of circumstances, say 'Help me, Jesus!' and I will draw you back to Me." Adam

Monday run through James...

     As I am physically slowing down, probably out of necessity to what is coming ahead, God is also slowing me down through the Scripture.  I could see today that we will be in James 5 for a few more weeks.  The next section deals with being patient and also the coming of the Lord.  I think the most interesting thing I read today was this quote, " on calendar of God is the second coming of Christ."  James gives 3 temptations in this section and also 3 illustrations to follow.  It will be great to talk on Sunday about the second coming of Christ.  I found out today that the New Testament speaks of the Lord coming over 300 times.      Another great friend called me today to share with me Isaiah 43.   2   When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;  and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;  when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,  and the flame shall not consu...

Sunday evaluation...and kefir...

     God has given me another great Sunday.  It has been the practice of our church to serve Communion the first Sunday of each month.  That practice of obeying Jesus' command has become so precious to me.  The opening sermon to James 5 gave us some challenging words to swallow and digest.  I think it hit me and the congregation how much God does not like and calls it sin when we say we are going to pay but then balk.  Am I content with what God has given me?  That is a question I want to ponder throughout the week.      " Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your ā€œinner ecosystem.ā€ More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins."  I like how it says "friendly" because kefir needs a lot of pleasant words to get it down.  Thanks Jen, and I really mean thanks, for the addition to my nutriti...

1001 and counting...

     What can I say but thank you Jesus for family and friends.  I have received some great emails and letters and cards that have done nothing but lifted my spirits.  I had a great walk today in the woods with Stephanie on the snowshoes and a great breakfast with the guys at church.  James 5 is ready for tomorrow morning so all I need to do now is think and pray about our communion time.  I am also thankful that I have managed my eating habits to be what they need to be at the present time and even though I look at food that really looks good, I can pass it by for the sake of the cause.      I got another great article from a friend this morning called "What Cancer Can't Do."  Here are the 15 points. 1.  Cancer cannot destroy the Spirit's ministry in your life. 2.  Cancer cannot cripple your love. 3.  Cancer cannot steal away the joy in your heart. 4.  Cancer cannot eat away your peace. 5.  Cancer...

No news today ughhh...

     So I didn't get any word today on the result of the PET scan so I probably won't until Monday.  A good friend gave Stephanie and I a devotional by Sarah Young called "Jesus Calling."  One sentence from yesterday's post, "When you feel anxious, know that you are focusing on the visible world and leaving Me out of the picture."  One sentence from today's post, "The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me.  Continue this intimate journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for heaven."  I needed these words to set aside my thoughts today and get them focused back on God.      I have found out from other cancer patients and survivors that it is par for the course to get information slower than you want it.  So I will set this aside and focus on Saturday men's breakfast that I will take my oatmeal to, Sunday morning worship giving the first sermon on James 5, and then an afternoon and evening...

PET Scan today and James 5 coming together...

     Well, James 5 is going to be more than a one sermon chapter.  I think we will be only handling the first 6 verses this Sunday.  It is very challenging to live in our world but under God's standards of money and how we get it and what we do with it.  It is probably so hard because if you live with God's standards and emphasis on what we have or don't have, we stick out like a sore thumb.  We look so different than a majority of the church world but so much more like God wants us to be.  God must have known we would need to have a lot of verses that deal with materialism and money.      I had the PET scan today and I wish I could say I had some information about it but I don't.  This test is suppose to tell if there is cancer anywhere else in the body.  It is important the to determination of treatment and surgery or surgery and treatment.  So I will keep all posted once I get some information.  I hope to d...

It was hard to think today...

     I usually don't get this way but today I had a hard time thinking.  I needed to do things that didn't use much brain power so this post might be hard to accomplish.  I had an interesting afternoon that included a lunch (have to go where they serve soup) and the conversation with some good friends who have walked this road ahead of us.  They gave such great words of encouragement and wisdom and love.  They shared their heart of the struggle they went through and let us know how it can effect us.  It was great to hear their moments with God that they hold onto that got them through that day.  Stephanie and I have had a couple of those already and will continue to ask the Lord for more.  I was very quiet during that time, just trying to soak in the encouragement and wisdom.      I got up from the restaurant booth to exit and my eye caught a man that I thought I knew and as I got closer it was who I thought it was thou...