Full days and thankful thoughts...

     First off, I now am the owner of a medi-port and a little sore in the left shoulder.  I am thankful for care I have received in the medical field.  I have come across some who you could see their heart of compassion and care to those around them.  
     Second, I am so thankful that Stephanie and I were able to attend the marriage seminar this weekend.  We have been looking forward to having this time to sit together and look at our relationship again.  It blesses my heart that 10 couples from the church are going through this together and the unity is felt in the block.  We are hungry to be what God wants us to be.  I love true life stories that display our need for God that is the answer for the relationship that we have with each other.  Great biblical teaching we heard tonight.
     Finally, in the midst of all this week, I am thankful for the time to have with the Lord today to put finishing touches on the sermon.  Another sermon from James 5 that drives home the point of focusing on the coming of the Lord.  We so easily recite the part about the life of Jesus and the death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus and maybe the ascension of Jesus but we don't focus much on the return of Jesus.  When we don't, we are tempted to become impatient and fainthearted and grumblers with each other.  I hope to have the opportunity to share the need this weekend for that relationship to be a reality in someone's life.
     God bless your day!!!



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