It was hard to think today...

     I usually don't get this way but today I had a hard time thinking.  I needed to do things that didn't use much brain power so this post might be hard to accomplish.  I had an interesting afternoon that included a lunch (have to go where they serve soup) and the conversation with some good friends who have walked this road ahead of us.  They gave such great words of encouragement and wisdom and love.  They shared their heart of the struggle they went through and let us know how it can effect us.  It was great to hear their moments with God that they hold onto that got them through that day.  Stephanie and I have had a couple of those already and will continue to ask the Lord for more.  I was very quiet during that time, just trying to soak in the encouragement and wisdom.

     I got up from the restaurant booth to exit and my eye caught a man that I thought I knew and as I got closer it was who I thought it was though his appearance has changed a bit.  He and his wife we having lunch after a trip to the hospital for some more tests for (you guessed it) a battle with colon cancer that is now to his liver.  I sat down and went from receiver to giver in the span of 10 feet.  This couple have a special place in my heart because of their connection with my mom from her Sterling days.  I think I got a picture today of what life is going to be like in the days to come, receiving some encouragement and help from others and then turning around to give it to others.

     I also realized something today that I think I knew but today it made itself pretty clear.  As I sat with that second couple, I realized that they still looked at me as a pastor.  They are a couple from my previous church 15 years ago.  It is not what I do but what God has equipped me to do for my life and therefore it has come to describe me.  I'm a Christian (follower of Jesus); I'm a husband; I'm a father; I'm a pastor.  This year marks 25 years as a pastor but I don't know why I am counting.  I love to do physical work but I don't want to not do this ministry God has given me.



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