1001 and counting...

     What can I say but thank you Jesus for family and friends.  I have received some great emails and letters and cards that have done nothing but lifted my spirits.  I had a great walk today in the woods with Stephanie on the snowshoes and a great breakfast with the guys at church.  James 5 is ready for tomorrow morning so all I need to do now is think and pray about our communion time.  I am also thankful that I have managed my eating habits to be what they need to be at the present time and even though I look at food that really looks good, I can pass it by for the sake of the cause.

     I got another great article from a friend this morning called "What Cancer Can't Do."  Here are the 15 points.

1.  Cancer cannot destroy the Spirit's ministry in your life.
2.  Cancer cannot cripple your love.
3.  Cancer cannot steal away the joy in your heart.
4.  Cancer cannot eat away your peace.
5.  Cancer cannot corrode your faith in God.
6.  Cancer cannot silence your courage.
7.  Cancer cannot invade your human soul.
8.  Cancer cannot silence your thanksgiving and worship before God.
9.  Cancer cannot shut our your past memories.
10.  Cancer cannot lessen the power of God's grace.
11.  Cancer cannot stop Jesus from caring for you.
12.  Cancer cannot thwart God's purpose for your life.
13.  Cancer cannot stop you from growing in your Christian life.
14.  Cancer cannot shatter your future hope.
15.  Cancer cannot reduce eternal life.

     I'll end with this.  Another friend of mine after reading an earlier post wrote to me with the phrase "repair shop."  "Adam, you are in a body repair shop needing help but there are also others there with you who are probably more sensitive to the message of Christ that you have within you at this time.  While you are getting repaired, look around and listen to God's voice and follow the Spirit's lead to those need to hear about Jesus.  Your mission field has taken a detour for a time."  I paraphrased that a lot but it sure hit home with me.

     If you are from GFF, I will see you in the morning.  All others, I hope you have a great day in the Lord.



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