No news today ughhh...

     So I didn't get any word today on the result of the PET scan so I probably won't until Monday.  A good friend gave Stephanie and I a devotional by Sarah Young called "Jesus Calling."  One sentence from yesterday's post, "When you feel anxious, know that you are focusing on the visible world and leaving Me out of the picture."  One sentence from today's post, "The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me.  Continue this intimate journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for heaven."  I needed these words to set aside my thoughts today and get them focused back on God.

     I have found out from other cancer patients and survivors that it is par for the course to get information slower than you want it.  So I will set this aside and focus on Saturday men's breakfast that I will take my oatmeal to, Sunday morning worship giving the first sermon on James 5, and then an afternoon and evening watching the big game.  No chips and salsa or chicken wings this year but just thankful I am able to eat something.

     So on to other things that will keep my mind occupied.  



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