So thankful for a great weekend but Monday is coming...

     It all started with our thanks again to Skype to bring our family together from Texas and Virginia.  We laughed for 2 hours through the cyberspace video call.  Seeing and hearing our kids is good medicine.  

     Then Saturday held a parenting seminar that we wished we would have had 20 years ago but thankful to be able to use the principles in other relationships in our lives.  If you get a chance to see it, "Getting To the Heart of Parenting" by Paul Tripp is definitely a keeper.  Some insights from the seminar are:  

  1. How do I introduce God to my conversations with my kids?  
  2. The fruit represents the behavior of my kids and the roots represents the heart and the quality of the fruit is directly related to the condition of the roots so work on the roots (heart).  
  3. Only discipline when there is a direct clear rebellion to authority.  
  4. We all want self-parenting children (not reality).  
  5. Create some decisions that your child can make with the consequences to be within the safety of the home before they have to make them out there.

Also, a trip to Meijer yielded a pair of New Balance tennis shoes on the discount rack for $20 that were so desperately needed.

     To top it off, today was a great day to be with our church family.  I am thanking the Lord for the healing of my soul through the ministry of a Sunday morning worship service.  I remember a similar service at a previous church when everything was clicking and I watched our visiting speaker just soaking in the blessings of the Lord through the elements of the service.  I start praying now for the energy to put together my final sermon in the book of James.

     Health-wise I am feeling really good.  I can tell the blood counts are up.  I am preparing myself with a gallon of water a day and upping my process to not have the results of last week.  I am also thankful to be able to walk in the infusion center with a smile on my face.  I think it will be a first.  I have went from a 42 waist to a 36 but also feeling this is a good thing.  My simple diet is probably something I should keep up with for the rest of my life.  Round 2, here I come.



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