Round 2 Chemo, silent video at the infusion center, and a look at the last sermon from James...

     Well, I'm in the infusion center getting round 2 of chemo.  Not so anxious this time because I know the routine.  Maybe I will put up a silent video of me hooked up and of Stephanie.  I come in at 8:15 am and will probably get to leave around 2:30 pm.  It makes for a long day in the chair.  Trying to keep my mind from running forward is the hard part.  We are in a room of mostly elderly people this morning and I know some are on the same treatment that I am on and I wonder how they do it.

     James gives me 2 more verses to handle this Sunday.  It is one more thing that he wants us to look at.  This passage I have seen over and over again over the 25 years of ministry.  Here is the passage:

"My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his ways will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins."

     A couple of initial observations.  "Strays from the truth" and "error of his ways" gives us someone who goes away from the gospel, the truth of the Word of God and also someone who shows that through his lifestyle.  Thinking wrong leads to living wrong and we are urged to reach out to those in the body that have wandered.  I am assuming I will be looking at truths that we could wander away from and lifestyles that show that we are traveling in that direction.

    Well here is the silent video at the infusion center.

Adam & Stephanie


  1. I am glad that the second round went a bit better. Freedom must be coming soon from the pump, this afternoon?

    Enjoy your afternoon!

  2. Thanks Vicki...this stuff sure brings my energy done. It is hard sleeping with the pump so tonight I hope to get some better rest. I end up sleeping 2 or 3 hours during the day with it. Today at 1 p.m. will be my freedom!!!


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