Psalm 31:6-8 says...

Good morning all,

Today's verses are Psalm 31:6-8 which says,

"I hate those who regard vain idols,
But I trust in the LORD.
I will rejoice and be glad in Your lovingkindness,
Because You have seen my affliction;
You have known the troubles of my soul,
And You have not given me over into the hand of the enemy;
You have set my feet in a large place."
"Hate" is a very strong word.  A lot of emotions rise up when that word is used.  In this  verse it points to those who "regard" (to keep, guard, have charge of) "vain idols."  Any idol is vain and any idol is another god and we are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.  We are to have no other gods before us.  So what is being promoted is taking people's eyes off of God.

Even though David "hates" this action, he trusts in the Lord and the "lovingkindness" of the Lord.  What about His "lovingkindness" do we rejoice and be glad about?  It sees and it knows and protects me.  In a place that is focused so much on "vain idols" the Lord sees and knows and acts to protect our soul from those who promote those "vain idols."  That action is to "set my feet in a large place."  Not near the edge, not a place where you could fall off, not a place to be squeezed in but in a place where you can stand firm and with feet firmly planted on plenty of ground.

Let me end with this.  If we thank God for His protection do we avail ourselves to that protection or do we flirt with those who promote those "vain idols?"  What is the protection of a "large place" that God has provided?  I would like to suggest the idea that you have a book from Him that you can read everyday.  You have an opportunity to gather with others who worship Him as God alone on a regular basis.  You have the avenue to speak to God on a daily basis through the avenue of prayer.  You have a voice to lift up in worship the name of Jesus.  You have the ability through talents and gifts given to you by Him to serve others.  All of these are the protection of God to stand in that "large place" with a firm footing on the God that you love in a place that has a lot of "vain idols."  Are you availing yourself of the protection of God's lovingkindness to you?

Pastor Adam


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