Genesis 1:6-8....

Today's verses are from Genesis 1:6-8 which read,

6 Then God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 
7 God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. 
8 God called the expanse heaven.  And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

One of the days of creation, the one that deals with water that would later be used in the great flood of Genesis 7.  God took one substance and divided it in two and put one part here and one part there.  It was enough to be done on that day and I would say so when you look at our planet and most of it is water.

But the other phrases away from the action of separating the water is my focus today.  "Then God said,..."  The word of God is the Hebrew 'elohiym which is the plural for God and a masculine noun and it means rulers, judges, divine ones.  At the very beginning with the very word for God we start to get the concept of the Trinity.  "Then God said,..." - God spoke which means He interacted with the world He was creating.  This is something we know about God, He speaks and He speaks action.  "God called..."  The word for called means to call out or proclaim or to utter which is another word to describe God as one who speaks and is interactive with what is happening.  It was also interaction with a purpose, something to get done in that day.

Now think about the fact that we (you) are created in the image of God, because of the order of God.  We are able to speak and we are able to call.  We have the ability to interact with the world around us.  And just as it made a difference with everything that God said, so it is with us also.  It makes a difference, especially in the people around us, what we say and how we say it and if we say anything.  We are a world full of interactive beings created in the image of God that at the core are interactive.  

What will be the content of your conversation today?  What will be the purpose of it?  You have an opportunity today to interact with those around you who were also created to interact.  By the end of the day (there was evening and there was morning) will you have used your "in the image of God" ability to speak or call into the lives of others with a purpose of glorifying the One who made you?  It could be people you call family or friends who you know or it could be people who you will just meet today for the first time or it could be someone you know by face but have never spoken to until today. 

Start with that smile and say "Hi" and let God take it from there.

Pastor Adam


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