Proverbs 19:23 says...

Today's verse is Proverbs 19:23 which says,

"The fear of the LORD leads to life,
So that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil."
Is there a healthy fear?  This word is used in basically two ways in the Bible.  One is the way that we usually think of fear as terror or fright.  The other is the definition of respect and reverence.  The fear of the Lord can be taken both ways at times so the context of the verse needs to be looked at to determine which fear we are talking about. 
This fear leads to life.  This fear leads to one resting with a clear conscience.  This fear leads to feeling the protection of God from evil.  I would say that we are looking at fear that would mean the reverence and respect of the Lord and everything about Him.

I have had many sleepless nights.  We have 4 children so I think that is part of being a parent at times.  But I have also had some sleepless night because my lack of reverence and respect for who God is and what God has said.  I have followed the ways of men instead of the way of God.  

Why do I do this?  I love a good night's sleep.  Maybe I need to write a song and title it "Sin's Sleepless Nights" because that is what it does.  Sin keeps us from not only being spiritually where we need to be but also physically where we could be when we disregard this reverence and respect of God.

How are you sleeping physically and spiritually?

Pastor Adam


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