Philippians 1:3-6...

Today's verses are Philippians 1:3-6 which read,


"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.  For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

I think it is important to look at what Paul is thankful for here for the Christians in Philippi.  It is a thankfulness that drives him to prayer for them and it looks to be prayer on a regular basis that is loaded with joy.

I am sure he is thankful that they are his friends and thankful for the support that the churches gave him as he went on his missionary journeys.  I am sure he is thankful for maybe a place to stay when there and probably some food to eat.  He is probably thankful for just the kindness of friendship from others who show some of the same thankfulness and love back to him.

But Paul's stated thankfulness is about their "participation in the gospel."  It can be translated "fellowship in the gospel" or "partnership in the gospel."  The gospel is often translated "good news" but it is best to explain what that "good news" is.  The Christians in Philippi were doing what Paul was doing, they were participating and in fellowship and partnering in the practice of sharing with others about the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His coming again.  They were active in their sharing the life changing message of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Savior of the world.  That is what he is stating that he is thankful for.

Because this fruit of salvation is happening (the sharing of it with others), Paul is "confident" that what God has started in them (their salvation) God will perfect or complete to that time when they will be together with Him face to face.

It is a very directed thankfulness.  I am thankful that you do what I do with sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.  That action means so much to me.  Are we praying for more opportunities to do that so that we can be thankful for each other about this?  Are we praying for this because it brings confidence of our continued love and devotion for our Savior and keeping our eyes on Him and what He has commanded us to do? 

I am not sure that we always express this kind of directed thankfulness to others because maybe it isn't happening enough and maybe it isn't happening enough because we have dropped it out of our prayers for opportunities to share the message of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, let's put it at the top of the list to pray for open doors to say something about our Jesus and then be thankful for what that brings to our lives and the lives of others around us that are doing the same.

Pastor Adam


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