Proverbs 20:11, 12 says...

Today's verses are Proverbs 20:11, 12 which reads,

11 - It is by his deeds that a lad distinguishes himself if his conduct is pure and right. 
12 - The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made both of them.

A small couplet today that bring out a truth that we know but doesn't agree with our proper follow through.

Verse 11 says that we have the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong.  The things that we do is a sign or a fruit that shows the intent of our hearts.  The lad not only has this discernment but also everyone else looking at his deeds.  It is not that the deeds save him but they give us a picture of what is going on at a deeper level than the act itself.

Verse 12 says that the senses that we are using to make this discernment were created by God.  God created all the senses we have to be used in the world that we live in.  So our ability to discern right and wrong have come from God.  Also, if God created "the hearing ear and the seeing eye" and we are created in the image of God, He also has that ability to discern and at a greater value than we possess.

We know that God sees and God hears but so many times we excuse Him away on this.  Is it the perceived distance of heaven up there and we are down here?  Is it that if we do wrong that many times the consequences are not immediate but the pleasures of it are?  Excuses and rationalizations tell us something deeper about our relationship with God than just the action that is in front of us.

I have been looking at this in the negative.  It also works in the positive.  Your pure and right conduct, discerned by you and others because that ability comes from God is a better way and creates the atmosphere for people to be assisted to start to see God more clearly.

My actions speak louder than my words and my God gave me the ability to speak and do and to discern what is right and wrong along with everyone else having the same ability.  Will I use those given abilities from God to honor Him or dishonor Him today?

Pastor Adam


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