Acts 7:32-34 says...

Today's verses are Acts 7:32-34 which read,

32  "I am the God for your fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob."  Moses shook with fear and would not venture to look. 
33  But the Lord said to Him, "Take off the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. 
34  I have certainly seen the oppression of My people in Egypt and have heard their groans, and I have come down to rescue them; come now, and I will send you to Egypt."

The context is that Stephen is speaking to the high priest and the Sanhedrin after he was brought in on the accusation of blasphemy (speaking words against God).  He was performing great wonders and signs among the people.  They brought false witnesses against him and he was allowed to speak to the charges.

Stephen starts his defense by talking through the Old Testament.  First, the covenant to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.  Second, the events of the Exodus and Moses.  Then Stephen focuses in on the fathers not listening and resisting who God had sent (Moses) to rescue them from the Egyptians (the enemy) and the deliverance to the Promise Land.  He points out that they are doing it again by not listening and resisting Another whom God had sent (Jesus) to rescue from the Satan (the enemy) and the deliverance to heaven.

This event ended in the first martyr of the Christian faith after Jesus' death on the cross.  Stephen saw heaven open and Jesus at the right hand of God and repeated some of the same word that Jesus said on the cross before he died.The point - Stephen, in his discourse, told of this pivotal event in Moses' life (Exodus 3:5-15).  God was calling Moses to a task and also revealing who He was to Moses.  This was a sacred moment as described as "standing on holy ground."  Moses was to go back to Egypt in the name of God and speak to Pharaoh and say those famous words, "Let my people go."

God still does this today.  God still meets with his people.  We call it the "burning bush" experience.  Moses was drawn to something to get his attention and God made Himself known to him.  The work is not done and there are people today who are searching and calling out to God and God still uses His people to reach them in the name of the Lord.  It may not be an actual "burning bush" that you see but if you are a follower of Christ, I would not be surprised if God puts something or someone in your path that stops you and He reveals a direction that He wants you to take. 

Something happened that took Stephen from serving the widows bread to speaking this great testimony before the Sanhedrin and that is recorded in the Word of God that we read today.  Stephen was used by God in a mighty way in the life of the early church.

I guess what I am saying this morning is that we need to open to the Holy Spirit bringing us in front of "burning bushes."  When God presents something to us that we realize is beyond just the normal series of events for that day, that we are on "holy ground" and need to listen and obey.  Stephen resonated with that event that Moses had.  Moses was going to be speaking for God and here is Stephen doing the same thing and we have been called to do likewise.

Don't resist the Holy Spirit but be guided by Him today.

Pastor Adam


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