Job 38:1-7 says...

Today's verses are Job 38:1-7 which read,

1 - Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said,
 2 - "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? 
3 - Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you instruct Me! 
4 - Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell Me, if you have understanding, 
5 - who set its measurements?  Since you know.  Or who stretched the line on it? 
6 - On what were it bases sunk?  Or who laid its cornerstone, 
7 - when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Job has suffered great losses and has not been helped by his wife who told him to blame God and friends who told him that he (Job) must have done something wrong to be experiencing all of this.  Job stands up to them all but finally gets to the point of asking "Why?" and also "Why me?"

God answers but not with answers to his questions.  God answers with questions about Himself and what He has done so that Job will take his focus off of himself and back onto God.  This is the way through whatever comes our way.

We might have to experience more than we ever thought we would because we like to live in an utopia world (maybe our own view of heaven here) so anything out of our norm is "not fair" or "not right."  The fact is that we live in a fallen world and we will suffer spiritually and emotionally and physically from it.  Satan is at work to discourage us from looking to God to looking at ourselves and our circumstances.

The hope and the joy of the Christian is the reminder that this is not our final destination.  We are to return to the One who is eternal and who created the whole world.  The hope and the joy of the Christian is the reminder that we have a relationship with the One who is eternal and created who created the whole world.  The hope and the joy of the Christian is the fact that the One who did all that knows "way more" than we do about the situation we are facing at the moment.  Why would I want to look away from that "One" now?

So, no matter the circumstance, no matter the talk of others, no matter the schemes of the devil, keep your focus on the Creator of the universe and you.  Keep your focus on the One who is eternal and the One that has a relationship with you.  He always knows more than you and He will give you the information and strength you need when you need it.  Keep looking to God...

Pastor Adam


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