Acts 6:8-10 says...

Today's verses are Acts 6:8-10 which read,

8 - And Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people.
 9 - But some men from what was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen, including both Cyrenians and Alexandrians, and some from Cilicia and Asia, rose up and argued with Stephen. 
10 - But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

Stephen went from being a food distribution chairman, making sure the Hellenistic Jewish widows were getting their daily serving of food, to standing in full defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  God calls us from all walks of life to speak and stand for Him and the wild ride with God is that you have no idea where He might plant you or who He might put in your path to let the light of Jesus shine through you.

Stephen is in the audience of people who represented most of the known world at the time.  God placed him before men who would hear and witness a man full of faith and grace and under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Yes, they ended up stoning him as the first Christian martyr but they got a good dose and close up view of someone "sold out" to Jesus.  Stephen's next appointment was with Jesus.  How great would that be?

Stephen, full of grace and power, was equipped by God with what he needed.  The men coming against him could not cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.  They were no match because they weren't battling with Stephen, they were battling with the word of God.  Stephen was just a vessel that they end up extinguishing but his soul and the message of Jesus could not and still can not be put out. 

May we be more like Stephen.  May we be at full disposal for God to use.  May we realize that if God puts us in that place, He will not only provide our heavenly home someday, but He will provide the words and actions that will honor Him over men and be a witness to men.

Stephen trusted the Lord with even the words he was speaking in a situation that didn't look too good.  As we live for Him, do we trust Him and allow Him to work through us to see Him glorified?

Pastor Adam


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