Sounds like a broken record...

     It may sound like one but I am thankful to keep reporting about a Sunday that was a great day to be in God's house with God's people talking about God.  I went through some material this morning for Sunday's sermon on 1 Peter 2 and this chapter will probably be a 2 or 3 Sunday event.  It is impressed over and over that there needs to be a desire for the Word if there is going to be spiritual growth in your life.  It is an element that can not be left out.  If we leave it out or neglect it, then we start to drift from the truth that will place other things or other feelings above the written word of God.  The same gospel that was for Peter and Paul and the disciples is the same gospel for you and me.  

     Health-wise I am in the "good" week of chemo.  Yesterday I felt better than I did two weeks ago.  I have not had to take any Tylenol except for the day of chemo and the day after.  I have kept up with my restrictive diet but am thankful to eat more whole vegetables.  I am still tired but have energy to do my work and especially to minister to the flock the Lord has placed me in.  I am a little anxious for the next stage of treatment but I need to slow down and realize I have another round of chemo before that happens.

     There has been a lot in the news lately about Rob Bell's "Love Wins" and some controversial views he gives of heaven and hell.  The best I have found that looks at what the Bible says is an article by Mark Driscoll of the Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington.  As I go along the Christian walk, I am looking for God to make things more clear rather than to ask more questions that lead to more questions and then to speculation and grayness especially when the Bible gives clear answers.  Sometimes God doesn't look like I want Him to look but His word trumps what I want.



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