chemo 3 week...

     Well I am back with my fanny pack for a couple of days, the cold sensitivity was almost instant this time but I am thankful for the warmer weather this week.  I am opening up more in the infusion center.  Yesterday I looked around and everyone was at least 20 to 30 years older than me.  The man beside me asked why I was there.  I told him the story and he told me his.  When he was leaving he said, "At 75 I really am not that concerned about this but I guess my view would be a lot different if I was your age."  My numbers were perfect again going in.  I lost another 5 pounds but I still have plenty of reserve.  Thank you God for good recovery time to go through this cycle again.  

     1 Peter 1 has some great lessons that we will be looking at on Sunday.  I think the one that struck me the most was to recognize that all sin is a violation of a relationship.  v. 17 says,  "And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile,"  We have a relationship with God that needs to be protected on our end.  v.14 says, "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,"  We need to not go back!

     I was so thankful for a conversation yesterday with a neighborhood friend.  An impulse decision I made that I wanted to do so many times earlier but God made it happened at the right time.  Two brothers in the Lord able to sit at the dining room table a weep with one another and offer encouragement with one another that was laced with faith in our God.  Open communication about "the Greatest" in the midst of some dark times that have made us grow closer to Him.  Thanks Mike, I so needed that.



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