Monday thoughts...

     Up and going on the good week of chemo (if that is such a term or phrase) and God continues to give me more strength and energy than the day before.  Sunday's service was such a blessing to me as I witness first hand God transforming the lives of His people.  Though I was tired in body, I am thankful that God can give strength to both the body and mind to accomplish His good pleasure.  I have been able to introduce a few more foods to my diet without complications so I believe that the chemo is doing something to the tumor.  I am thankful for a quiet week of no appointments, the first since the start of this journey.

     We have left James and now head to 1 Peter, just the next page over in the Bible.  A first glance and look at the whole book will probably start with a good look at the author himself.  The life of Peter is a very interesting and colorful one.  One point I came across today is the context when he is called "Simon" (his original name) and when he is called "Peter" (the name Jesus gave him).  An old name and a new name and now we are nearing the older years of his life and he no longer is called by his old name but his new name.

     That reminds me of an old hymn that we sang out of the "Melodies of Praise" in the Turner church when I was growing up,"A new name written in glory."

I was once a sinner, but I came, Pardon to receive from my Lord:
This was freely given, and I found, That He always kept His word.

There’s a new name written down in glory, And it’s mine, O yes, it’s mine!
And the white robed angels sing the story, “A sinner has come home.”
For there’s a new name written down in glory, And it’s mine, O yes, it’s mine!
With my sins forgiven I am bound for Heaven, Never more to roam.

I was humbly kneeling at the cross, Fearing naught but God’s angry frown;
When the heavens opened and I saw, That my name was written down.

In the Book ’tis written, “Saved by Grace,” O the joy that came to my soul!
Now I am forgiven, and I know By the blood I am made whole.

     "And it's mine, O yes, it's mine!"  I am so thankful that in the church we are witnessing people who are coming home or coming to Jesus.  God give me the grace and wisdom to walk with them as you are continuing to walk with me to go from my old name to that new name.



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