A venturing into The Gospel According To John...

Today we start a new book of the Bible. It is going to be The Gospel According To John. I hope someday to preach through this book in a more formal way as I have for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts but I think this will be a great way to prepare for that future event. We will look at the history and outline of the book this morning and I am thankful for study Bibles that give us so much background information. "The Gospel According To John" was originally just "According To John" and the "The Gospel" was added later to the title. This Gospel is thought to be written after the other three Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke referred to as the Synoptic Gospels. This Gospel fills in a lot of gaps that the other three Gospels fly past and also give more background details that help us to get an even fuller picture of the life of Christ. The Gospel According To John is thought to be written around 80 to 90 A.D. so 50 y...