Difficult issues and Bible reading week 40, day 2

Good Tuesday morning all.  Stephanie comes back late this evening for an overnight and then on the train to Texas.  I am so thankful for her health and the ability to do this for our family.  I have a full day with another pastoral cohort session.  I am so thankful for these resources and group of ministers gathered to study God's word.

Difficult issues are everywhere and even in the church.  Sometimes we struggle with the way things are or how they are structured and hopefully in line with Scriptural principles.  The facts should help us to establish resolve but sometimes our feelings get in the way.  Our feelings push us into areas where we express our opinions about the issue but also, if we are not careful, extend over to the persons who are obviously on the "other side".  It is easy to lose a little love for them.  In the church we are called brothers and sisters.  We are a family.  Not that families don't have disagreements or various beliefs but if a family is to hold together, it needs to hold onto the fact that they are a family.  What made them a family?  What makes us God's family?  God made us that way and provided salvation from Him to be in His family.  Therefore, a continual going to Him and referring to Him and following His words and ways are essential when our feelings get in the way of the facts as we see them, interpret them, and read them.  Again, there could be some differences there, but the focus on the facts that we have is always better than running with our feelings.  This is a lesson I am continuing to learn.  --Adam--


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