Agreement Prayer Study

Today we look at some more verses dealing with prayer.  Our prayer focus is that of agreement and having soundness and solidarity.  

Our first passage is Exodus 24:3 which reads,

Moses came and told the people all the commands of the LORD and all the ordinances.  Then all the people responded with a single voice, "We will do everything that the LORD has commanded."

I want you to notice what the people of God have unity in.  They have unity in the Lord but it is seen in being obedient to His commands and ordinances.  It is not a unity based just on our words or the shaking up and down of our heads but with our very actions to show authenticity to what we say.  The unity of all helps each individual of the group to walk in a way glorifying God.  Unity and accountability go hand in hand or unity requires there to be accountability to keep the unity.  It is one of the highlights of my Sunday mornings when I hear the congregation gathered singing in one voice the proclamations about their one great God.  We are singing together; we are standing together; and we need to live out together what we are singing about and standing for.  

Amos 3:3 through 5 says,...

Can two walk together without agreeing to meet?  Does a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey?  Does a young lion growl from its lair unless it has captured something?  Does a bird land in a trap on the ground if there is no bait for it?  Does a trap spring from the ground when it has caught nothing?

We have 5 questions here.  All of them question why we do what we do.  We walk with another because we plan to do so because we see the need of being together.  The lion on purpose stays silent because he hopes to see prey rather than scare it away with his roar.  Even the young lion is taught to keep silent for the sake of the pride getting a community meal and then to roar after the fact to announce victory.  You don't roar before and bring the family with nothing to show for it.  The trap needs bait to attract the bird and a trap doesn't respond until something is actually in it.  All of these are pointing out what we wouldn't do because it would not produce what we want.  We want unity and therefore we will plan for it to happen by not doing the opposite of what is common sense but what is taught of us by God and the way He orders things.  Unity comes because we gather together to agree that we want it and will follow after God to see it in action.  

Nehemiah 8:5 and 6 says,...

Ezra opened the book in full view of all the people, since he was elevated above everyone.  As he opened it, all the people stood up.  Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God, and with their hands uplifted all the people said, "Amen, Amen!"  Then they knelt low and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.

Notice the word "all" in these passages?  The word "all" signifies that unity is happening and the central focus to foster this unity is the Bible, what God has said.  Ezra, the prophet, gets in a place to broadcast God's words so that all can hear.  The people rise up in reverence as the words are read.  They give a common response that means "so be it"  or "we are in agreement."  They go from standing to kneeling and in this low position they worship God with voices driving into the ground.  To be in unity with God and with one another in this effort means that we need to be submissive to the same thing, His word.  We come together to hear; we come together to respond; and we come together to submit with worship.  

1 Corinthians 1:10 says,...

Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.

The Apostle Paul is speaking to the Christians of the church in Corinth and his call is for their unity.  It must be that there was some disunity in the church.  This is still true today and we have many different churches because there was not a drive to seek unity.  Some divisions have happened because there was a divergence from God's truth and so unity could not be obtained but many were from less than that.  Much disunity could be brought to unity if we would look not at ourselves but again at the Savior.  To gain unity, we need to step back again and see the big picture of what God is calling us to do as His family.  What is the same understanding and the same conviction?  Those will be things that will center us back on being selfless rather than selfish.  It is impossible to gain true unity in a selfish state.  

Our last scripture this morning to look at is Matthew 18:19, which reads,

"Again, truly I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about any matter that you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven."

This is Jesus speaking and it is the conclusion about how to restore unity when a sin has come into the picture of a brother or sister's life.  The coming together in unity is to agree again with God that we will follow what He says is right and what is wrong.  When we come to agreement on that, God is in the midst of them as the next verse says because God has been brought into the equation.  There is a praying for this type of unity.  There is a coming together to see what God says and to do what God commands.  This passage is about the "doing" of spiritual discipline.  This is another practice of the church that is not done or it is done not in accordance to what God says.  Even in the executing of what could turn out really good or really bad, unity is promised to those who pray and agree with what God has said and follow it.  

We are to fix our eyes on God's Word and obey it which results in enduring stability and confidence.  We are to remain rooted in the Scriptures which links us in solidarity with all who faithfully follow Christ.  Let us pray.

"Lord, as You spoke everything into being, so You instructed Your creation in how to live.  Teach us Your ways, that we might not sin against You, and so we might lead others to You.  Father, we have exhausted ourselves by going our own way.  Forgive our folly, refresh us with Your grace.  Thank You for the fellowship we have with like-minded disciples, which supports and challenges us to grow in obedience and maturity.  In Jesus' name, Amen!"

Pastor Adam


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