I got accepted...

A big hello from north central Illinois on a crisp fall day.  The trees are changing colors overnight.

I have some news to share!  A day after my phone interview with Interim Pastoral Ministries, I was accepted by this organization.  Here is the letter I received.

October 9, 2018

Dear Adam,
I want to officially welcome you into our organization as a member.  Our Board of Directors unanimously approved your application.  Congratulations!  As opportunities arise we will contact you about serving full time, part time, or weekends according to the needs of a particular church.  You are not required to accept every “interim possibility” that comes along.  We trust that in God’s providence the Lord in this ministry will use you significantly.  You join a team of over 100 interim pastors in our organization.

Going forth our expectation is that in all your future agreements to serve as an interim pastor or interim preacher for more than one month (for more than 4 Sundays) the arrangements will be made in cooperation with this office.  This applies whether the original request first comes through our IPM office or to you directly.  We also ask that, whether or not such a group is aware of your membership with us, you identify yourself as being a member of our staff.   We believe that in long run that you will have more consistent work and greater opportunity this way. 

It is my understanding that you are willing to travel the USA. As churches within your geographical area call and you are a good match, I will consult with you about sending your resume. 

In His service,

Dr. Tom Harris
Executive Director

I will be changing over this blog site to reflect this new ministry.  I am still serving at Oglesby Union Church and most likely until June of 2019.  I will be thinking about a new name for the blog and use this as a contact point for those who keep us in prayer.  

It will be used for churches to get to know us a little better and also for us to communicate prayer needs and ministry updates.

As always, I ask for your prayers as much needs to happen between now and next summer.  We are minimizing again and also tackling the last of "4 kids through college" debt so that we can be debt free.  This part is also good for us as we seek to follow where God would lead us to.



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