Venturing into a new book and a nugget about Hanukkah...

In a previous church I started the practice of preaching through whole books of the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  I think this is one of the best decisions I have ever made in the ministry.  In the morning preaching session I covered the book of Acts and also the book of Matthew.  When coming to my present church I extended this practice to Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, and my morning devotional e-mails.  On the Sunday mornings have I went through the book of Titus, Nehemiah, Ephesians, Mark, and I am currently in the book of Luke, chapter 11.  I keep looking at John and want to handle this last Gospel in the morning preaching sessions in the future in a more formal way but wondering if I should venture into it during my devotional e-mails as prep for that possible future event.  So I think that is what I am going to do starting on Wednesday.  I am so thankful for this opportunity to cover so much of the Bible in a short amount of time with the people of Oglesby Union.

We also had the opportunity to have a representative from Chosen People Ministries to speak two sessions at our church this last weekend.  One thing that I learned, as I am always learning, was that Jesus was in Jerusalem when Hanukkah was being celebrated.  The Light of the world was with others who were celebrating the Festival of Lights and proclaimed that He was the Light!  Hanukkah celebrates the overthrow of someone who claimed to be God but now Jesus who claimed to be God was making Himself known as deity.  Jesus challenged them to compare what Antiochus had done and what He was doing.  The context that the speaker, Ryan Karp, gave was so helpful to see better the scenario and situation that Jesus was in and His call for them to make a decision about who He really was.  Check out Chosen People Ministries at this link and I encourage you to have them at your church or attend where they are giving a presentation.  Chosen People Ministries

May you receive the blessings of God as you live your life to the glory of Him.  --Adam--


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