More development of the blog...

As I am preparing for the future, I am updating the blog to be used by others who might be wondering who the Wolfgang's are and would they be a good fit for continued ministry through an interim pastoral type of ministry.  

On the top of the page, under the title "Living light and in the Light" is a new page called "Some history of the Wolfgangs" which will take you to the journey that God has taken us on.

Click on the 3 little lines in the top left corner of the home page and a side bar will appear.

On that sidebar are links.  The first is to our YouTube Channel.  I have been working on creating playlists of the radio program "Down To The River" and also the sermon series on books of the Bible.

The next link is to IPM, Interim Pastoral Ministries.  This will redirect to their site and you can read about their mission and vision and also resources like videos from its director, Tom Harris.

I hope to also add other links that would be pertinent to our ministry.

You will find a picture of our "grands" and also the our single mobile home in Florida that will be home base when we are not on assignment.

So, just some updates about the blog.  I plan to continue to write and post each day.  We have almost completed the book of Zechariah and I will follow it will some more devotionals on prayer before heading into another book of the Bible.

On another note, we covered the greens last night and I am at the task of creating some low tunnels to prolong our juicing supply.  

I hope you have a great fall day and thank you for coming along with us through this blog and also carrying us along with your prayers.



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