Confession is good for the soul...Bible reading week 40, day 1

I crave learning.  I try to take what I learn and share it with you.  Sometimes it goes to our Overseers first and then to our Team Leads and then out to the congregation.  I am thankful for the resources of the internet, books, and supplemental educational opportunities related to the church.

In my learning this last week I realized that I have done something wrong.  I didn’t mean to do something wrong but it was something I couldn’t see until it was pointed out to me.  It requires a confession to anyone who might have been hurt by my words or actions or lack of them to show that I care.

I have been learning about who is in front of me as a pastor or a leader.  There is a group I am very comfortable with and they are the adventurers, the ones who love change.  They want to go where no man has gone before.  There is also a group that loves it when the adventurers come up with an adventure.  They are the first to sign up.  There is also a group that has heard about the adventure, seen the sign up but they are waiting for some stories to be told to motivate them to sign up for this adventure.  Then there is a group that has heard about the adventure, seen people signing up for it, heard some stories about it but they need some data.  They need something in print.  They really don’t want to sign up until a few cycles have gone through and they see some results.  And lastly, there is a group who has heard the adventure, seen the sign up, heard the stories, looked at the charts, but still have questions if this is the right move.  These 5 groups are in front of the pastor or leader in the larger congregation and each group has strengths and weaknesses.

I am an adventurer and I love to be with other adventurers and those who sign up quick.  I am really comfortable around those people and also get fuel from them to keep being an adventurer.  But what this adventurer has learned is that when I introduce a change, I also introduce a loss.  What is difficult is that on my end of the spectrum, the loss is so minimal that all I can see is the gain.  But on the other end of the spectrum, the loss is so great that they can’t see any gain.  But all the groups are in front of me and I am to pastor all the groups not just through change but also through loss.
I need to recognize and acknowledge the loss of a pastor.  In the near future Stephanie and I are not going to be here.  I have probably said things and acted in ways that seemed insensitive to that fact.  For this I am very sorry and ask for your forgiveness.  

Someone once said to me, “Don’t you like us Pastor?”  That prompted a visit to their home to let them know that I truly did like them and love them but the gain I see means that I would like and love the church so much to prepare for a change to happen that ultimately meant I would not be in the picture.  I love the whole church of God.  I see ministers coming up through great schools that hold to the word of God and want them to be in places like Oglesby Union Church that cherish its benefits with boundaries and bridges to see believers.  I want them to step into places that have those who are humble displaying holiness and have a heart for the lost so a healthy local church of God is going after 125 years.  

I have come to learn things about myself here and who I am.  I am not so sure that an adventurer, someone always pushing change, should be a long term pastor.  I think those spurts are necessary but long term growth comes from those who can invest years with qualities that I don’t have but I know they are out there and for the Oglesby Union Church.

I ask that you please accept my apology and I ask for your forgiveness if I have been insensitive to the reality of loss through this change.  I want to show through my actions and words that I love you.  

I believe in the change otherwise I wouldn’t have brought it up.  I think it will show to the community a vision of the people here to show a proactive step to reach another generation for Christ.  Stories can be found of courageous congregations who make bold moves and data helps us to see the world that we don’t see because we typically don’t move out of our comfortable circles.  And our history bears out a church not only concerned about holding to the Word of God but putting things in place so that it takes a prominent place in all we say and do.  

So please accept my apology and I ask for your forgiveness if I have done or said anything that came across as a lack of love and concern for you.  

Let us pray.

"Lord, may we see those around us as those to love.  Lord, sometimes love comes when we are prompted by Your word to say we are sorry and continue to work through something of importance to all.  May we be able to recognize the gain or loss that we are not seeing.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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