And the train pulled out of the station....

And the train pulled out of the station carrying away my beloved to serve others within our family.  She cried but all I could see was the benefit that she was going to experience by seeing our daughter, son-in-law and two more of our eight grandchildren.  She was crying because she was going to be at a loss of me.  Did that register in me?  Yes it did.  I am so prone to look at or for the positive or gain that I miss what can be learned from the loss or in this case acknowledge the love that was being displayed for me.  

Another topic.  I am thankful for continuing education related to leading a group gathered for the worship of our God.  The principles can be used in many settings but how it relates to the church is my focal point.  Even though the session was 6 hours long, a diagram caught my eye and engaged some brain cells to think farther than the words written on the board.  I started adding some on my own and the instruction of the moderator was drifting into the background.

What type of group is this?  Which of the four quadrants does it best fit into?  Which of the four is the best or the goal to shoot for?  

The lower left quadrant represents the "small talk" group.  The group where you don't get past the Bears and the weather.  Attendance is really not required and no group agenda is present.  

The lower right quadrant represents the "event" group.  The event has been highly advertised as something that you will not want to miss.  Everything is focused on the event and it happening rather than those who have gathered.  The goal is to attend the event and say that you were there.  You go home after the event waiting for the next event to observe.

The upper left quadrant represents the "expert" group.  There is a central figure to the group who is the teacher, the expert, the authority and the remainder of the group have come to be in subject to this one who "knows it all" or at least knows more than us.  We sit in rows and take copious notes and later put them in 3 ring binders.  

The upper right quadrant represents the "among equals" group.  We have come together because of each other.  We usually sit in circles.  We are interested in what each other has to say.  We go beyond the Bears and the weather and venture into spiritual matters and how life is going at work and home.  Those in the circle are becoming family and we gather to the sake of each other.

The moderator comes back into focus.  My mind is back to the present and those I see around the table I am at.  What kind of group is this?  Where does real growth occur?  I think we all need to be a part of an "among equals" group to show God's "one anothers" that help us to spiritually mature.

Just some of what goes on in the my mind when the world is whirling past me.



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