Proverbs 3:27-30 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 3:27-30, which read,

v.27, 28 - Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.  Do not say to your neighbor, "Go and come back, and tomorrow I will give it," when you have it with you.

We get very practical today with the wisdom of God.  This walk with the Lord in which we are placing our feet into His footprints that bring security and surety has some guidelines when it comes to dealing with others.  Here is the first of some actions taken by the wise who are following after God.

If someone is in need, described here as your neighbor, then give at that moment if you are able.  Don't wait for another day but rather offer the help instantaneously, this is the proverb.  We know what happens many times if we delay the resources for the need presented, we don't do it.  We may forget about it or we have Satan working overtime and relentlessly to offer excuses for us to pass it off to another person or organization. 
If someone is truly in need and you are moved by the Spirit to help then give to that need if you are able.  I know that many times we think monetarily here but many needs are not that.  Maybe that person in need needs our ears to listen.  Maybe that person in need needs our mouths to speak the Word of God to them.  Maybe that person in need needs our hands and feet to physically help them with something.  Maybe that person in need needs our presence in a time of sorrow.

The principle to follow is to react when you have someone brought by God before you that is in need.  God will help you discern how you should help if you ask Him for direction.  Sometimes it is not what they are asking for.  How true we know this ourselves as we ask a lot of God and God gives us something else that is really what we need.  How is your reaction time to the needs around you?

v.29, 30 - Do not devise harm against your neighbor, while he lives securely beside you.  Do not contend with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.

Another proverb to walking in the wisdom of the Lord is to not wish ill on others.  Live at peace with those around you.  For some of us it is a step to get to know who are neighbors are.  We live in such an isolated state even though we have neighbors on our right and left.  We watch them and make judgements about what they are doing over there when we really should be going over there and conversing with them.  When we stand afar off it is very easy to make assumptions and then negative judgements about the other person.

I have noticed that in the church environment.  If someone starts getting critical or complaining about the church, it most likely is because they have been viewing whatever they are critical or complaining of from afar.  They have distanced themselves from the situation rather that being involved in it.  That situation or person looks a lot different as you get closer and more involved in rather than standing farther back and just speaking ill that never leads to a solution. The proverb is driving us to take a different route by going closer to the need rather than distancing ourselves from it.  How is your distance to obvious needs around you?

The wise following after God will react to those needs and will keep in close proximity to the need so that they see it properly to respond with good will rather than non-constructive criticism.  I know that I have been guilty many times of not following these proverbs of God.  I have had God bring needs before me that I could have done something about at the time and put if off to another day and never got back to it.  Most of these don't deal with money.  I have also stood too far back from a situation or person and become critical and judgmental that led no where good.  God says to live differently if we are going to be wise and if we are going to be putting our feet in His footprints.  Let's pray.

"Lord, we confess and repent for those times that we have pushed off the obvious need of our neighbor.  Lord, we confess and repent of those times that we have talked of others instead of talking to them.  Help us to see Satan's work in those actions and that we are walking in his footprints at those times.  Guide us back to walking in Yours.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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