Proverbs 2:16-19 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 2:16-19, which read, 

v.16, 17 - deliver you from the strange woman, from the adulteress who flatters with her words; that leaves the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God;...

Yesterday we learned that wisdom will guard you from the evils of this world.  The first was the company of others who want to divert you from the path of uprightness to the ways of darkness.  They use their tongues to speak about the "delights" of evil.  Their agenda is perverse and their ways are devious.

Today we are told that wisdom will also guard us from another great evil of all time and that is sexual sin.  It is and has been rampant throughout time to go against God's plan in this area.  It also uses the tongue to speak of things contrary to God's design.  Adultery many times leads to divorce, the leaving of the companion of your youth, who you started out with.  The sin to forget or disregard the covenant made before God about vowing to His righteous union for sexual activity to occur has been abandoned for something else.

There is only one holy union sanctioned and created by God.  It is the union between a biological man and a biological female who have left their parents to be in a monogamous relationship for life, i.e. Genesis 2:24.  Anything outside of this God made circle is adultery to that relationship.  The wise will be tempted heavily in this area to go contrary to God's words and ways.  Wisdom is to guard us and understanding is to watch over us to deliver us from this way of evil. 

v.18, 19 - ...for her house sinks down to death and her tracks lead to the dead; none who go to her return again, nor do they reach the paths of life.

One who lives this type of life, a life that continues to practice sexual sin, is walking down a road to death.  The result will be a physical death that leads to a spiritual death.  The wise will see where this type of life is leading and it is away from the paths of life.  Sexual sin, like other sins, has a progression to it.  It starts with a look outside of the holy union and then maybe a linger.  The linger turns into words and then a prolonged conversation.  The conversation leads to a touch and then you have the plot of many of the films on the movie screens today and the books filling the shelves of libraries and book stores.  All of this is outside of God's definition of a marriage and the only holy union between a man and a woman.  It does not lead to God but away from Him.

I will leave the positive side of this instruction for tomorrow to finish out the chapter.  The wise need to know today that sin is real and it is not passive but active to draw you away from God's words and ways.  To not obey God and to not respect His matrimony covenant are two big temptations that they wise will face and wisdom is there to guard and guide us through those situations to stay true to God and keep us on the path of life.  Who said the Bible is not relevant to life today?  Let's pray. 

"Lord, You bring up a big problem in the life of our culture and Your church.  We are abandoning Your instruction and Your creation of the holy design of marriage.  We are disregarding the wisdom of our great God who created us to have the greatest pleasure when we follow after You.  Help us to see the power of Your wisdom in the face of the evils of this world that Satan throws our way to divert our path.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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