Proverbs 2:6-9 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 2:6-9, which read,

v.6 - For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Where is the sources of wisdom?  It comes from the Lord.  It comes from His mouth.  It comes from the Bible.  A sometimes neglected book in our homes and away from being in our hands.  We have it now on our phones, it is in our pockets and purses, but it sometimes is just a reference book to be referred to rather than devoured by us.  The book that contains the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is treated like Wikipedia to make a quick reference rather than a great true historical novel that never ends with its lessons to apply.

v.7, 8 - He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice, and He preserves the way of His godly ones.

For those who know God, love God, and obey God, God continues to bring out wisdom to be used as a shield, a protection.  The wisdom of God protects us and keeps us on the path and the way; the wisdom of God guards what is right and wrong; and the wisdom of God preserves the upward trajectory of the believer's life.

Have you had this experience?  You pick up the Word of God and read a passage that you have read a hundred times and can quote parts of it and there in the midst of the very familiar words is a nugget of wisdom that you have never seen before.  God has been storing it up until that moment for you to see it.  The nugget of wisdom that God has been storing up for you is just what you need to hear and know for where you are walking at that moment in life.  It gives you firm footing to stand upon and direction to keep on His path.  God does this for the upright, those who walk in integrity, and who He calls the godly ones.

v.9 - Then you will discern righteousness and justice and equity and every good course.

Righteousness, justice, and equity are thrown together again as they were in chapter 1 and verse 3.  Righteousness is right living determined by God.  Justice is set by God's standards of right and wrong.  Equity is living out that life of righteousness and justice among others.  Because of the wisdom of God, you will be able to discern, to know what is right by God's standards and able to live that out before others in all situations.

If you are one who loves and knows God, then God will supply you through His word the ability to stand and stay on the path of His righteousness, justice, and equity through every situation.  He will point you in the way that you should go.  He is your holy GPS to walk you through life.  Are you listening to Him?

We rented a car recently that had a GPS unit built in.  I decided to try this new device for I am still a map man.  I plugged in the address I was going to and started listening to the pleasant lady's voice telling me when to turn and how far to go.  Suddenly she said to change course but I knew better.  I knew the route so I ignored her instruction.  My not listening put me in stop and go traffic for the next hour.  She was trying to get me to miss that pleasant experience.  Another similar event happened on the return trip.  My home address was entered in and I proceeded home.  Again, she gave me another route and this time I decided to follow her lead even though it seemed to take away from where I wanted to go.  Listening to the radio later, she had taken me away from another traffic tie up and I got to my destination 10 minutes sooner than expected on the original route.

A simple illustration but it left an impact on me that God has wisdom that I don't have.  He sees and knows more than me and I need to daily listen to Him.  I think I know where I am going and maybe it is my final destination but God has another way for me to get there today.  It will be the right way and it will be the just way and it will be the equitable way.  It will be the wise way.  Pick up your godly GPS today.  Let's pray.

"Lord, You love us so much.  You love us with Your word.  You pull out what we need to hear when we need it in our lives.  Thank You that Your word never gets old.  It is new every morning.  May we be those who are upright, walking in integrity, godly ones because we take our wisdom and walk from You and not ourselves.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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