Proverbs 1:32, 33 says...

Today's verses are Proverbs 1:32, 33, which read, 

v.32 - For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.

We have two last verses of this first chapter that sum up the difference of outcomes of the fool and the wise.  The fool is wayward and complacent.  He or she starts out as naive and is wandering aimlessly through this life.  They are ignorant of the fear of the Lord but not without witness that there is a God.  What they do with that witness takes them to the next level as a fool of complacency and saying "I will do something about that tomorrow."

Are you wayward?  Do you have specific direction in your life?  What or who is pointing out the purpose of your life?  Do you know what you should do and how you should live but you have put it off until tomorrow?  Are you complacent?  I have seen over the 30 years of preaching that many within the membership of the church are wayward and complacent about their spiritual walk.  The disciplines that the Lord gives us to know Him more and to live for Him are not followed and not taken advantage of.  I have observed that we have not pushed ourselves spiritually as Paul says to discipline ourselves to be fit for God. 

v.33 - But he who listens to me shall live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil.

Now onto the wise.  The wise listen to God.  When we listen to God and have a fear of the Lord, we receive direction not from ourselves but from our Creator.  He made us and He knows how we were created to live.  

I can have security when I follow after Him.  I can be at rest, at ease, because of my relationship with Him.  The soldier is at full attention until his commanding officer says, "at ease."  He relaxes his stance and rests that all is well if his commanding officer says so.  We are soldiers of this world, either for Satan or for the Lord.  The soldier of Satan is at ease and it results in destruction but the solider of God is at ease and it results in the ultimate security of the situation. 

This salvation that we have received from the Lord is not a passive activity but an active one.  It takes listening.  It takes being attentive to God.  It takes discipline to the words and ways of the Lord.  We need to be at attention to Him if we are going to hear the words from Him, "at ease."  You are at ease because you know the One you love who you have been following after has this situation under control and will walk you through it His way.  Take your orders from Him today and don't put it off until tomorrow seems to be the proverb of the day.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, a chapter of wisdom has been given to us from You.  May we live the life of a wise and not a fool.  May we take the time to listen to You today.  May we hear those words from You as our commanding officer to be at ease because we have put ourselves in a position to hear those words.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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