Proverbs 2:1-5 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 2:1-5, which read, 

My son, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you, make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of God.

Look at all the verbs of action.  Here is the list: will receive, treasure, make, incline, cry, lift, seek, and search.  Again, your salvation and the following of the Lord is not a passive activity but an active one.  What you have received from the Lord because of His action of love through the cross of Christ is to be followed by our action to long after Him as we are in Him.  Let's go through each verb phrase and put some definition or example to it.

  • "will receive my words" - an acceptance of His words as super important to your life 
  • "treasure my commandments" - giving the guidance of the Lord a special place in your mind and heart 
  • "make your ear attentive to wisdom" - put yourself in a place to hear His words on a daily basis 
  • "incline your heart to understanding" - have a love for the words of God that engage all of your life, not just an ear thing
  • "cry for discernment" - vocally call out to God for direction 
  • "lift your voice for understanding" - raise your hand and ask the question rather than sit in silence 
  • "seek her as silver" - be on a pursuit for God's treasures in His word 
  • "search for her" - be looking for the "x" that marks the spot on the treasure map
What is the result of all these verbs of pursuit?  You will discern and discover something.  What you discern and discover is the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of knowledge.  

Are you seeing that God is putting a premium on us picking up His words?  Do you feel the push to be daily in His word and also to up your attendance to those events that focus on the things of God?  In our world, the attendance to such events is declining and being regulated to just certain days of the week or maybe even certain times of the year.

We make excuses for something so important and put it in the end hall closet of our lives for awhile to pull out later like it won't matter that it is in there hidden from view.  We treat it as an "add on" to our lives rather than what our life is all about.  I think our lives would be very different if we followed after these 5 verses.  I think our times of worship corporately would look very different if we put this type of devotion to God's words.  There would definitely be a rise in attendance if His wisdom was such a premium in our lives. 

What excuses are you making to not spend time with Him?  Start to tear down those excuses.  "I am too tired" then get to bed sooner.  "I don't have enough time in the day" then look at what needs to be re-prioritized.  "It's summertime" and yes it is but God made the seasons not to avoid Him.  Sorry about the push but it seems that this is very important if we are going to live for God and reap the benefits of knowing Him.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we make excuses to set aside Your wisdom.  We allow those excuses to grow and it makes it very hard to be back where You want us to be, not impossible, but hard.  Help us to make those decisions that put You first in our lives rather than after everything else.  We are truly sorry for putting You last when You put us first by the giving of Your Son for our very salvation.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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