Proverbs 2:10-15 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 2:10-15, which read, 

v.10-12a - For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil,... 

These verses give us some description of what wisdom will become to the wise who listen and obey the Lord.  The heart in scripture is another way to say the whole inner being, your mind, emotions, and will.  Wisdom will be at the center of your thinking, feelings, and determination of direction. 

This knowledge of God and from God will be pleasant.  You will look forward to knowing more.  You will see the positive impact that it has on your life.  For example, you will see the 10 commandments as not a bunch of "thou shall not"s but what they are protecting you from.

Wisdom has a guarding and watching over you effect.  It keeps you out of being in the way of evil.  It keeps your feet on the narrow path of the Lord instead of the broad road that leads to destruction.  Many look at God's instruction and wisdom as something that hinders them from all the fun in life but one who follows after it will have their "fun" transformed into what is glorifying onto God.  Wisdom broadens your view to start to see what is really important in life and it is well beyond your personal preferences, comfort levels, and selfish instant gratifications.

You will come to love God's wisdom and what it does to keep you from self inflicted harm.  Let's look at some of the "from"s. 

v.12a-15 - From the man who speaks perverse things; from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil and rejoice in the perversity of evil; whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways;...

Wisdom keeps you from having ugly speech or as it says in Scripture "unwholesome talk."  What comes out of the mouth is what was already in the heart.  Your speech is an indicator of who in influencing your life. 

These verses go from speech to the direction of your walk to what you delight in and end up at the revealing of your true motive.  Someone who is not wise may say all the right things but they are perverse because they do not match up to their actions.  They are not walking where they are talking.  They have left the path of uprightness and are actively walking in the ways of darkness.  They are playing with evil and you can see an enjoyment in the satisfaction of pleasing themselves with evil.  Wisdom gives us protection from the influence of the fool's tongue and his ways.

Now let's flip these verses over.  The wise one speaks not perverse things but his or her speech speaks of the truth and the Truth Himself.

The wise one keeps on the path of uprightness to walk in the ways of the Light.  It is narrow, single file, but the companions on the path encourage you to keep to the path that the Lord Himself made.

The wise delight in doing good and rejoice and the pure motive of truth.  These good deeds have come our way because we are following after God, the creator of good deeds for us who are wise and the results bring a genuineness of His love.

The wise are on a path that is straight and totally honest.  Nothing is hidden for we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We unashamedly follow His words and ways as our words and ways.  We are straight away after Him and open with where our wisdom is coming from.

Tomorrow we will look at another protection of wisdom but today it is enough to see how following the wisdom of God keeps our mouths in check because inside we are following after Him before it ever comes through our vocal chords and formed into words by our tongues.  Our heart, our whole inner being, is focused on Him and therefore the fruit of this is speech that matches that devotion of the heart.  This is the opposite of the fool whose inner focus is on self and his or her speech will reveal it.  Be warned that their speech is very convincing for it has pulled many from the paths of uprightness to the crooked ways of darkness.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, we need our view of Your wisdom to change, please help us to see the protective and guarding value it has over us.  Convict us of unwholesome speech that reveals something deeper that is going on in us.  May what comes out of your mouths be that which is right and true and followed after with the actions of our lives.  Thank You for making the path of uprightness and being ahead of us blazing the trail.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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