Psalm 140:12, 13 says...

Today's verses are Psalm 140:12 and 13 which read,

12 - I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor. 
13 - Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name; the upright will dwell in Your presence. 

The first 11 verses has King David dealing with the evil and injustice of his world.  He talks about "...evil men...violent men...evil things...continually stir up...sharpen their tongues...a viper...the wicked...trip up my feet...the proud...hidden a trap...set snares...evil device...mischief of their lips...slanderer..."  I think the Psalms that deal with the evil world are becoming more real in the days that we live.  The news is loaded with some of these actions.   

King David calls out to the Lord for many things like deliverance and protection but he comes to resolve about God in this whole matter of the evil of the world and that is what we find in these ending 2 verses of the Psalm. 

"I know..." the Hebrew word is "yada" - "I have learned to know, I perceive" 
"...will maintain..." - "will do, accomplish, make" 
"...the cause..." - "judgement, plea" 
"...of the afflicted..." - "those brought down" 
"...and justice..." - "completed judgement" 
"...for the poor..." - "those in want or in need" 

David knows that God will accomplish this completed judgement against the evil that has been levied against these who have been brought down and made in great need.  It is going to happen.  What seems to be so out of control will be brought to the high court of God and He will drop the gavel justly against their evil ways.   

So what do we do while we are waiting for that to happen? 

Verse 13 says that "the good guys" should emphatically (with emphasis) cast out or broadcast all of who God is.  Also, "the good guys" should sit down and look into the face of God.  These two seem to work together because if I am going to actively tell others about this great God in this evil world then I need to be sitting before Him and learning from Him and listening to Him on a regular basis.   

So there is action that is needed in these times but it starts with us knowing who God is and His plan and continuing to be at His feet with our faces turned toward His so that what we say or do would bring glory to His name.  Whatever action we do needs to come out of this action. 

Do you know how we usually react to the evil of the world?  Either we hide or pretend it is not there or we respond in the some of the same ways the world does.  "You hit me and so I am going to hit you."  "You say something bad about me and so I am going to say something bad about you." 

With our knowledge of God, we need to get our head out of the sand and put down our fists to keep our focus on a God who is just and will bring final judgment.  We are to speak of this God and sit at His feet to even know more about Him that we can speak even more of Him. 

We don't speak less of God but more of Him during these times.

Pastor Adam


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