2 Corinthians 13:11-14 says...and Happy New Year!!!

Today's verses are 2 Corinthians 13:11-14 which read,

11 - Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. 
12 - Greet one another with a holy kiss. 
13 - All the saints greet you.14 - The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

Last words are always important.  Much is said in the last moments and we hang on every word or we read them over and over again when it is coming from one we love.  Paul has given of his life to the Corinthian church and there would be no one to doubt his love for them.  Lets look at what he says.

  • "Finally, brethren,..." - I am not above you but alongside of you 
  • "...rejoice,..." - be glad 
  • "...be made complete,..." - fitted for the journey or task 
  • "...be comforted,..." - call to one's side 
  • "...be like-minded,..." - to have understanding 
  • "...live in peace;..." - to cultivate harmony 
  • "...and the God of love and peace will be with you." - the God of vow type love and national state of tranquility

Maybe these are Paul's resolutions for his brothers in Christ.
1.  to be glad about that fact that we are brothers in Christ 
2.  to continue to be fitted for this journey with Jesus 
3.  to be thankful for the comfort of others alongside of you
4.  to continue to have understanding of God's will and way 
5.  to continue to cultivate harmony with that group

"Greet one another with a holy kiss."  Okay, this sounds a little too close.  Draw to oneself others who are mutual with you with a "saintly" show of affection between friends to wish them well.  That may look different in our day but it needs to happen within the body of Christ.

"All the saints greet you." A direct example to follow of  what other godly people are doing for them.

Then let us look at what is stressed about each part of the Trinity in this last verse.  They have received "grace" from Jesus and they have received "love" from God and they have received "fellowship" from the Holy Spirit.

May this be a great description of our church this year and years to come.  That we are and would continue to be a group of gathered believers who also give the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ by telling the gospel message and the love of God by giving of ourselves just as God gave His Son and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit by being connected together in that love and grace.

A good way to end out this year and start a new one.

Pastor Adam


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