Psalm 136:23-26 says,...

Today's verses are Psalm 136:23-26 which read,

23 - Who remembered us in our low estate, for His lovingkindness is everlasting, 
24 - and has rescued us from our adversaries, for His lovingkindness is everlasting; 
25 - who gives food to all flesh, for His lovingkindness is everlasting. 
26 - Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

This psalm follows a pattern of "To Him..." and then ends the phrase with "...for His lovingkindness is everlasting."  It ends with that phrase 26 times, once for every verse.  So to God we give praise about what comes next in the phrase and sum it up with this characteristic of God called "lovingkindness."
"Lovingkindness" is a word that your computer will put a line under to say it needs to be corrected.  "Lovingkindness" is a combination of goodness, kindness, and faithfulness.  So every phrase about God and what God has done in this psalm is followed by the statement that God is good and God is kind and God is faithful and He has been f-o-r-e-v-e-r (trying to draw that word out or make you say it longer).

Then comes the passage this morning that turns the focus to include us.  In verse 23 it says that God "...remembered us in our low estate,..."  It means that God called us to mind or focused in on us in our low condition. 

What is that low condition or estate?  In verse 24 it says that God "...rescued us from our adversaries,..."  It means that God tore us away or broke us off from what was tightly binding us.  So we are in a low condition because we are bound by something that is "choking the life out of us" and what does God give in return or to replace it?
In verse 25 it says that God " food to all flesh,..."  It means that God gives you bread or nourishment that He battled or paid the price for all to hear or to be proclaimed.

So God saw us in our state of bondage to sin and provided a way of escape through what He paid and it gives us what we need through what He has said and what He has done.  Do you see the gospel in this psalm?

What do we do in response?  In verse 26 "Give thanks to the God of heaven,..."  It means we throw, we shoot, we cast out gratitude to the God of heaven for He is good and He is kind and He is faithful and He has been f-o-r-e-v-e-r. 

Take time today to thank the God of heaven for remembering you and rescuing you from the tight bondage of sin and paying the price that you might be nourished by what He did through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross and now you have the ability to proclaim it to others.  Sounds like Christmas.

Pastor Adam


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